___   Temco's      _   ___
  /   |_ _   _ _  __ | | |  _|_  _  __   __
 / _  | ' \ / ' |/ _/| | |  _| || |/ _/_/ _|
/_/ |_|_||_|\_, |\__||_| |___|\_, |\__|__/
Version 0.2 |___/             |__/
Created By: Khris "The KiD" 

Copyright 1998 Khris G.

The following FAQ if for the use of private and/or personal use only. If 
it is reproduced, it may only be done electronically. The correctness 
and accuracy of the material covered in this FAQ are not guaranteed, and 
the author will NOT be held responsible for any problems or damages 
caused in any way from errors or omissions. If placed on a web page or 
site, this FAQ may be altered as long as this disclamer and the 
copyright info remains in it's original form and state. For no reason 
should this FAQ be used for a profitable and/or promotional purpose, 
including being published in magazines, guides, hint books, etc. or be 
incorporated in magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created by me, 
Khris G. . All copyrights and trademarks are 
acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please 
give credit where it is due.

The characters of Angel Eyes are (c) Temco Co, Ltd. All rights reserved.

This FAQ can be found at:
GameFAQs                         http://www.gamefaqs.com
The 09th Mobile Suite Platoon    http://susano.home.ml.com


      - Akane
      - Bin Chibiko
      - Black Raiya
      - Chibiko
      - Highway Star
      - Hyper Mysterious Power
      - Kiriko
      - Lina
      - Lina 2
      - Maria & King
      - Maria & Panda
      - Mysterious Power
      - Raiya
      - Reika
      - Robo Chibiko
      - Wounded Highway Star


 ub    u    uf       Jump Back          Jump Up       Jump Forward
   \   |   /
b --       -- f      Retreat/Block      Neutral       Advance
   /   |   \
 db    d    df       Defensive Crouch   Crouch        Offensive Crouch

Reverse left and right if on right side of screen or Player 2.

      L2          R2                          N/A          N/A

L1          R1                       x2 Punch      x2 Kick

    Square     Triangle                       LP           HP

X        Circle                         LK          HK

The button notation can be rearranged in the Configuration Mode at the 
Options Screen.

 PP - Mid-air Halt                   KK - Super Dash

The Mid-air Halt is done to cancel your momentum instantly. You stop 
exactly where you are and is suspented in that pose for about a second. 
It can cancel a jump or Super Dash. You are able to Dash or Super Dash 
after the Mid-air Halt.

Combo Notation
-> means use the Chain Combo to hit the next button in the series
XX indicates Special Move cancellation, or 2-in-1
/\ indicates that you jump after the last move
\/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the 
, indicates that no special combo method is needed in between the two 
S. stands for standing
C. stands for crouching
DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking during a 
UP. stands for holding up on the controller while attacking during a 
T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are 
J. stands for Regular Jumping
DJ. stands for Double Jumping
TJ. stands for Triple Jumping
QJ. stands for Quadruple Jumping
D. stands for Dashing before performing the move
SD. stands for Super Dash
AD. stands for Air Dashing
CU. stands for Cross-Up
+ stands for "and"
/ stands for "or"
(Move name) stands for a move that can be comboed in, but not

   ___  _
  /   || | __ _ _  _ _   ___
 / _  || '/ // ' || ' \ / _/
/_/ |_||_|\_\\_,_||_||_|\__| - Kiriko's Twin Assitant

- Win Pose
  Spins a flaming kunai and says something.
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to the ground.
- Time Over Pose
  Falls to her knees, looking down.
- Colors
  LP - Red outfit/Green hair
  HP - Black outfit/Blue hair
  LK - Yellow outfit/Brown hair
  HK - Orange outfit/Green hair
  Start - Pink outfit/Purple hair
  -O  |  \  + P                           Flaming Assassination
      O   O
  |  |  + P or K                          Ninja Vanish
  O  O
  |  \  -O  + P                           Deathspin Flaming Kunai
  O   O
  |  \  -O  |  \  -O  + PP                Kunoichi Plunge
  O   O     O   O                                                SUPER



1) SD.LP -> (SD.LK ->) SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LP
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HK (12-hit)

 ___  _         ____  _    _  _    _  _
|   \(_) _ _   |  __|| |_ (_)| |_ (_)| | __ __
|   <| || ' \  | |__ | ' \| || ' \| || '/ //  \
|___/|_||_||_| |____||_||_|_||_,_/|_||_|\_\\__/ - Mild-Mannered Youth

- Win Pose
  Jumpropes and falls on her back, stands and straightens the back of
  her shorts as her friends come out and cheer her. Says something.
- Lose Pose
  Winces and tries to stand while looking down, then falls on her
  face, says something.
- Time Over Pose
  Places hands behind her, turns side to side a few times.
- Colors
  LP - Orange shirt/Dark Green shorts
  HP - Green shirt/Red shorts
  LK - Grey shirt/Black shorts
  HK - Light Pink shirt/Pink shorts
  Start - White shirt/Blue shorts/Gray hairclip - "Hiyakeshita Chibi"
  -O  |  \  + P (Air)                     Rising Current
      O   O
  |  \  -O  + P                           Dodge Ball
  O   O
  Rapid K (Air)                           Jumprope Assault
  Jump  |  \  -O  + P                     Spike!
        O   O
  |  \  -O  |  \  -O  + PP                Super Chibiko-Dama
  O   O     O   O                                                SUPER

1) C.HK XX Attack Chance (2-hit)
2) Dodge Ball XX Attack Chance (2-hit)

1) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX Attack Chance

1) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     C.HP (15-hit)
2) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     S.LP XX LP.Rising Current (17-hit)
     *Note: Refer to Chibiko for the explanation of these combos.

 ___     _____       _
|   \   |  _  \ _ _ (_)_  _  _ _
|   < _ |  _   SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Attack Chance (9-hit)
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Lightning Tornado (9-hit)
3) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP <2 hits>
     XX Goin Shin Ko Ha (19-hit)
4) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Goin Shin Ko Ha (19-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP, Kick Throw, C.LP -> S.HP
     XX Raiko Dan (8-hit)
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP, Kick Throw, C.LP -> S.HP
     -> S.HK (9-hit)
     *Note: Refer to Raiya for the explanation of these combos.

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LK
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> C.HP XX Goin Shin Ko Ha (22+
     *Note: Refer to Raiya for the explanation of this combo.

 ____  _    _  _    _  _
|  __|| |_ (_)| |_ (_)| | __ __
| |__ | ' \| || ' \| || '/ //  \
|____||_||_|_||_,_/|_||_|\_\\__/ - Athletic Free Spirit

- Win Pose
  Jumpropes and falls on her back, stands and straightens the back of
  her shorts as her friends come out and cheer her. Says something.
- Lose Pose
  Winces and tries to stand while looking down, then falls on her
  face, says something.
- Time Over Pose
  Places hands behind her, turns side to side a few times.
- Colors
  LP - White shirt & socks/Blue shorts & shoes/Pink hairclip
  HP - Pink shirt & shocks/Purple shorts & shoes/Purple hairclip
  LK - Light Pink shirt & socks/Red shorts & shoes/Yellow hairclip
  HK - Gray shirt & socks/Black shorts & shoes/Blue hairclip
  Start - Yellow shirt & socks/Red shorts & shoes/Red hairclip
  -O  |  \  + P (Air)                     Rising Current
      O   O
  |  \  -O  + P                           Dodge Ball
  O   O
  Rapid K (Air)                           Jumprope Assault
  Jump  |  \  -O  + P                     Spike!
        O   O
  |  \  -O  |  \  -O  + PP                Super Chibiko-Dama
  O   O     O   O                                                SUPER

1) C.HK XX Attack Chance (2-hit)
2) Dodge Ball XX Attack Chance (2-hit)

1) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX Attack Chance

1) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     C.HP (15-hit)
2) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     S.LP XX LP.Rising Current (17-hit)

Another set of "Attack Chance Defiance Combos" are here for Chibi. Hers 
are a little harder since she has real short limbs, making it sometimes 
hard to connect. But anyway, Chibi's are destuctive. Start off the 
beating with a SD.LK -> SD.HK. Be careful not to press the same kick 
button over again or Chibiko will do her Jumprope Assault. Lands and 
crouch, attacking with a C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK. The C.HK hits twice, 
initiating the "Attack Chance". Get them with an aerial rave by adding a 
SD.LK -> SD.HK. Once again, don't overpress the Kick buttons. Finally, 
hit them with a S.LP for a juggle. You can end the combo with a C.HP for 
2 hits, or another S.LP into a LP.Rising Current. #2 is harder to 
connect with because if you mess up the timing, they can block the 
Rising Current and counter with a Guard Reversal.

 _  _     ___   _
| || |   / __| | |_  _ _ _ _
| '' | _ \__ \|_  _|/ ' | '_|
|_||_|(_)/___/  \__|\_,_|_| - Recreational Thrill Seeker

- Win Pose
  Turns head as scarf blows, gives a "peace" sign, says, "Yatta ze."
  ("I did it.")
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to ground, says something.
- Time Over Pose
  Falls to her knees as she looks down, says something.
- Colors
  LP - Red outfit/Blond hair
  HP - Gray outfit/Blond hair
  LK - White outfit/Red hair
  HK - Blue outfit/Blond hair
  Start - Light Blue outfit/Light Gray hair
  |  \  -O  + P                           Axel Spin
  O   O
  -O  |  \  + P (Air)                     High Speed Upper
      O   O
  O-  /  |  \  -O  + P                    Rearview Reflector
     O   O   O
  Close O-  /  |  \  -O  + K              Crash Course
           O   O   O
  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  + KK               Highway Collision
         O   O   O                                               SUPER

1) C.HK XX Attack Chance (2-hit)
2) HP.Axel Spin XX Attack Chance (2-hit)
3) C.LK -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX Attack Chance (5-hit)
4) S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> S.HK XX Attack Chance (6-hit)
5) C.HK XX HP.High Speed Upper XX Attack Chance (7-hit)

1) SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX Rearview
     Reflector XX Attack Chance (8-hit)
2) SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ Kick Throw, S.LK -> S.HP -> S.HK (8-hit)
3) HP.Axel Spin XX SD.LK -> SD.HK XX High Speed Upper XX Attack Chance
4) SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX High Speed Upper
     XX Attack Chance (9-hit)
5) Kick Throw, SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK XX HP.High Speed Upper
     XX Attack Chance (10-hit)

1) SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LK -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LK ->
     SD.HK \/ S.LK -> S.HK (12-hit)

I'm not a regular H.Star player, so I was wondering if she had an 
"Attack Chance Defiance Combo". I found out, after numerous times, that 
she did. Not as many hits as others, but an 11-hitter isn't too bad. 
Like many combos start off, Super Dash at them. Since her SD.LP is not a 
good attack in itself, instead do SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK. You have to 
begin that part at a high point against opponent. Land and do C.LK -> 
C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK. This will bring up the "Attack Chance". Follow up 
with a SD.LK -> SD.HK instead. You will land first while your opponent 
still hangs in the air. End the combo with the S.LK -> S.HK.

 _  _                     _ _ _     ___
| || |_  _ ___  ___ _ _  | ' ' |   |   \ __  _ _ _  ___ _ _
| '' | || | _ \/ _/| '_| | |_| | _ |  _//  \| | | |/ _/| '_|
|_||_|\_, | __/\__||_|   |_| |_|(_)|_|  \__/|_,_,_|\__||_|
       |_/|_| - 

- Win Pose
  Places hands above head as she looks to opponent, then places them
  to her side, says, "Mm hmm!"
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to ground, says, "Oh my God!"
- Time Over Pose
  Places hands up and shrugs, says, "No!"
- Colors
  LP - Yellow & Brown outfit/Red hair
  HP - Light Purple & Purple outfit/Green hair
  LK - Red & Dark Blue outfit/Blond hair/Gray skin
  HK - Blue & Dark Rad outfit/Purple hair/Light Purple skin
  Start - Completely Golden
  O- or -O + HK                           Spin Hook Kick
  |  \  -O  + P (Air)                     Mysterious Laser
  O   O                                   LP: 3-way shot
                                          HP: Uni-beam
  -O  |  \  + P                           Mysterious Snap
      O   O
Close  -O  \  |  /  O-                    Dynamite Swing
            O O O
  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  + PP               "It's Showtime!"
         O   O   O                                               SUPER

1) C.HK XX Mysterious Snap XX Attack Chance (3-hit)
2) C.HK XX HP.Mysterious Laser (8-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK -> S.HK
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK XX
     HP.Mysterious Laser (14-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK ->
     SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> S.LP -> S.LP -> S.HP (15-hit)
     *Note- Refer to M.Power for the explanation of this combo.

 _  _  _       _  _
| |/ |(_) _ _ (_)| | __ __
|   < | || '_|| || '/ //  \
|_|\_\|_||_|  |_||_|\_\\__/ - 

- Win Pose
  Spins a kunai and says something.
- Lose Pose
- Time Over Pose
- Colors
  LP - Blue & Orange outfit
  HP - 
  LK - 
  HK - 
  Start - 
  -O  |  \  + P                           Assassination
      O   O
  |  |  + P or K                          Ninja Vanish
  O  O
  |  \  -O  + P                           Deathspin Kunai
  O   O
  |  \  -O  |  \  -O  + PP                Kunoichi Plunge
  O   O     O   O                                                SUPER



1) SD.LP -> (SD.LK ->) SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LP
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HK (12-hit)

 _    _
| |  (_) _ _   _ _
| |_ | || ' \ / ' |
|___||_||_||_|\_,_| - 21st Century Crime Fighter

- Win Pose
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to the ground.
- Time Over Pose
- Colors
  LP - Blue outfit/Blond hair
  HP - Purple outfit/Orange hair
  LK - 
  HK - 
  Start - 
  -O  |  \  + P                           Rocket Upper
      O   O
  O-  |  /  + K                           Heelkick Headbutt
      O O
  -O  \  |  /  + K                        Triple Sweep Kick
       O O O
  |  \  -O  + K                           Double sided Axe Kick
  O   O
  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  + KK               Mission Impossible
         O   O   O                                               SUPER

 _    _             ___
| |  (_) _ _   _ _  |__ |
| |_ | || ' \ / ' | / __|
|___||_||_||_|\_,_| |___\ - Justice's New Name

- Win Pose
- Lose Pose
- Time Over Pose
- Colors
  LP - 
  HP - 
  LK - 
  HK - 
  Start - 
  -O  |  \  + P                           Rocket Upper
      O   O
  O-  |  /  + K                           Heelkick Headbutt
      O O
  -O  \  |  /  + K                        Triple Sweep Kick
       O O O
  |  \  -O  + K                           Double sided Axe Kick
  O   O
  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  + KK               Mission Impossible
         O   O   O                                               SUPER

 _ _ _         _         _  _ _
| ' ' |_ _ _ _(_) ___   | |/ (_)_ _   _ _
| |_| / ' | '_| |/ _/   |   <| | ' \ / ' |
|_| |_\_,_|_| |_|\__| & |_|\_|_|_||_|\_, |
                                     |___/ - 

- Win Pose
  Spins around with King while laughing, turns to players and says
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to ground, says, "Ahhhhh!"
- Time Over Pose
- Colors
  LP - 
  HP - 
  LK - 
  HK - 
  Start - 
  O-  /  |  \  -O  + P                    Honeypot Grab
     O   O   O
  |  \   -O  +  P                         Teddy Transform
  O   O
Close  O-  /  |  \  -O  + P               Beatdown
          O   O   O
  |  \  -O  + PP                          Teddy Rainstorm
  O   O                                                          SUPER





 _ _ _     ___
| ' ' |   |   \__  _ _ _  ___ _ _
| |_| | _ |  _/  \| | | |/ _/| '_|
|_| |_|(_)|_| \__/|_,_,_|\__||_| - Chaos Illusionist

- Win Pose
  Places hands above head as she looks to opponent, then places them
  to her side, says, "Mm hmm!"
- Lose Pose
  Flies back to ground, says, "Oh my God!"
- Time Over Pose
  Places hands up and shrugs, says, "No!"
- Colors
  LP - Green & Dark Red outfit/Red hair
  HP - Red & Black outfit/Beige hair
  LK - Blue & Purple outfit/Green hair
  HK - Light blue & Blue outfit/Pink hair
  Start - Purple & Dark Blue outfit/Silver hair
  -O + HK                                 Spin Hook Kick
  |  \  -O  + P (Air)                     Mysterious Bubble
  O   O                                   LP: Electic Bubble
                                          HP: Capture Bubble
  -O  |  \  + P                           Mysterious Snap
      O   O
Close  -O  \  |  /  O-                    Dynamite Swing
            O O O
  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  + PP               "It's Showtime!"
         O   O   O                                               SUPER

1) HP.Mysterious Bubble, LP.Mysterious Snap XX Attack Chance (3-hit)
2) C.HK XX Mysterious Snap XX Attack Chance (3-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK -> S.HK
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> T.S.HK
3) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK XX
     HP.Mysterious Bubble, LP.Mysterious Snap XX Attack Chance
4) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK XX
     HP.Mysterious Bubble, S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> S.HK (13-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK XX
     HP.Mysterious Bubble, C.LP -> C.HK XX HP.Mysterious Bubble, C.LP
     -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HP ->SD.HK (18-hit)

What the heck?! This is totally insane! Ok, it's official: Mysterious 
Power is the most over-balanced character in the game. Well, anyway, 
let's go through this combo. SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP. Already, this is 
about 1/4 of your life. Land with a S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> 
C.HK. Make sure the S.HP doesn't hit twice. 2-in-1 off the C.HK into a 
HP.Mysterious Bubble. That traps them and brings them back toward you. 
Do the C.LP -> C.HK, then 2-in-1 in another Mysterious Bubble! Bring 
them back at you and do C.LP -> C.HK. I don't think you can do another 
Mysterious Bubble because your opponent can block and you don't want an 
ass kicking for being cheap. Go and end the combo with a SD.LK -> SD.HP 
-> SD.HK after they float in the air off the C.HK. The entire combo does 
not count as one, but it does work. If there is a problem somewhere, let 
me know.

2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP \/ S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> S.HP -> C.HK ->
     SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> S.LP -> S.LP -> S.HP (15-hit)

Yeah, M.Power has an "Attack Chance Defiance Combo" too. This one does 
count as one entire combo and *gasp* uses no Mysterious Bubble!! Could 
it be?! Yes! SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP. Land and S.LP -> S.LP -> S.LK -> 
S.HP -> C.HK. The "Attack Chance" will blink, so Super Dash right at 
them and do a SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP. You will land, then do S.LP -> 
S.LP -> S.HP for 4 more hits, resulting in a 15-hitter. Whew!! I hope 
they tone M.Power down in Angel Eyes 2. =P

Infinite Combo
1) C.HK XX HP.Mysterious Bubble, C.HK XX HP.Mysterious Bubble, C.HK XX
     HP.Mysterious Bubble ....

This CAN be escaped. Struggle and remain blocking.

 _____       _
|  _  \ _ _ (_)_  _  _ _
|  _   SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK -> SD.HK (5-hit)
3) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.HK (6-hit)
4) C.HK XX HP.Lightning Tornado (6-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX
     LP.Raiko Dan (8-hit)
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Attack Chance (9-hit)
3) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Lightning Tornado (9-hit)
4) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP <2 hits>
     XX Goin Shin Ko Ha (19-hit)
5) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX
     Goin Shin Ko Ha (19-hit)

Combo #4 is harder since it requires you to cancel the C.HP after the 
2nd hit and 2-in-1 into the Goin Shin Ko Ha. But to start off, be a half 
screen distance away and Super Dash the first chain combo. Land and do 
the C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP. Ok, if you are doing combo #5, let the C.HP 
hit ONCE, then chain into C.HK, 2-in-1 into the Super before they hit 
the ground. If doing combo #4, let the C.HP hit TWICE, then do the 

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP, Kick Throw, C.LP -> S.HP
     XX Raiko Dan (8-hit)
2) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP, Kick Throw, C.LP -> S.HP
     -> S.HK (9-hit)

Ok, both of these combos are the same except for the last hit. This 
combo is not too hard, but it requires the right positioning and timing. 
At a half screen away, SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK for the first 4 
air hits. When you land, you should be right next to your opponent. This 
part is VERY important. The S.LP, Kick Throw is tricky because if you 
aren't close enough, the S.LP will hit, but the throw won't. You have to 
tap forward on the controller when doing the S.LP. Release it and 
IMMEDIATELY press and HOLD it to get the throw off. If you don't hold 
forward, you'll do a S.LK instead. The throw tosses them up into the 
air, and as they are falling, right before they hit the ground, C.LP -> 
S.HP. 7 hits, plus a throw so far. After that, you can either hit S.HK 
for 2 extra hits, or 2-in-1 into any form of the Raiko Dan. Either is a 
decent ender.

3) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LK
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.HP -> S.HK (13-hit)
4) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LK
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.HP XX LP.Raiko Dan (13-hit)

Finding one of these combos for Raiya was hard. But I did! Woohoo! Fly 
at your opponent, attacking with a SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK. 
Land and crouch for the C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK. To make this combo easier, 
skip the C.LK. "Attack Chance" will appear and your opponent will be 
floating. Now, right here is hard to pull off the Super Dash because 
Raiya still has to complete the last frames of animation from the C.HK 
sweep. Skipping the C.LK will so how enable her to get the Super Dash 
off much quicker. SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK for the aerial rave. 10 hits 
so far. Land again to juggle them with a S.LP -> S.HP. The last hit of 
the combo can be either a S.HK or a LP.Raiko Dan.

1) SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> SD.LK
     -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> S.LK -> C.HP XX Goin Shin Ko Ha (22+

This is it! THE combo. If you thought the 18-hitters that Reika and 
M.Power had were destructive, then take a look at this!! 22+ hits!! 
Raiya is the definetly one of the most destuctive Angels! This combo 
works the same until you land off the second Super Dash. Land and to a 
S.LP -> S.LK -> C.HP. The numbers of hits that the C.HP inflicts is the 
very tricky part. You have to time the Goin Shin Ko Ha to hit AS SOON AS 
the opponent comes into range. That way, they will be pinned against the 
back wall, taking the full force of the blast. You can just 2-in-1 and 
let the opponent bounce off the blast to hit as an alternative. Go 
 _____      _  _
|  _  \ ___(_)| | __ _ _
|  _   C.LK -> C.HK XX Attack Change (4-hit)
3) C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX Flame Smash (4-hit)
4) C.HK XX HP.Blaze Punches (4-hit)
5) S.LP -> S.LK XX LK.Mirage Kicks (5-hit)
6) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ HK.Mirage Kicks (7-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK -> HP.Blaze Punches
2) SD.LP -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX LP.Blaze
     Punches, Attack Chance (11-hit)
3) SD.LP -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX LP.Blaze
     Punches, Flame Smash (11-hit)

1) SD.LP -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX LP.Blaze
     Punches, SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK XX LK.Raging Blow (18-

Unlike Raiya, Reika can't combo off her 4 basic attacks off a Super 
Dash. So, we have to settle with 3. SD.LP -> SD.HP -> SD.HK to begin the 
combo. If you hold Down while performing the Super Dash combo, Reika 
will do a different variation of each attack. I think it's easier to 
hold down because when you land, you're gonna have to crouch for the 
C.LP -> C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK. 7 hits. Now, the opponent is gonna be in 
the air after the sweep. Air juggle them with the LP.Blaze Punches. All 
3 will combo off, knocking them a little higher in the air. I found out 
that since you are getting an "Attack Chance" from the C.HK, and then 
another "Attack Chance" after the Blaze Punches, your opponent can't air 
recover. Therefore, you are able to Super Dash and chain combo your 4 
basic attacks, then 2-in-1 into a LK.Raging Blow for 15+ hits.

 _____      _         ____  _    _  _    _  _
|  _  \ __ | |_  __  |  __|| |_ (_)| |_ (_)| | __ __
|  _   SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.LK -> C.HP -> C.HK XX Attack Chance

1) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     C.HP (15-hit)
2) SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ C.LP -> C.HP -> C.HK -> SD.LK -> SD.HK \/ S.LP ->
     S.LP XX LP.Rising Current (17-hit)
     *Note: Refer to Chibiko for the explanation of these combos.



Certain characters takes different amounts of damage. A test combo was 
used with Raiya to see which characters took how much damage.

Test Combo
SD.LP -> SD.LK -> SD.HP -> SD.HK \/ S.LP -> C.LK -> C.HK XX LP.Raiko

These are the results about the amount of damage taken.

Least                    Average                    Greatest
-----                    -------                    --------
Reika                    Raiya/Black Raiya          Mysterious Power
Lina/Lina 2              Chibiko                    Hyper M.Power
                         Robo Chibiko/Bin Chibiko
                         Marie & King/Panda
                         H.Star/Wounded H.Star


 Beat Story Mode with the following character to get their alter ego.

 Character to use     |     Secret Character gained
 Mysterious Power           Hyper Mysterious Power
 Marie & King               Marie & Panda
 Kiriko                 Akane
 Reika                  Reika 
 Raiya                      Black Raiya
 Highway Star               Wounded Highway Star
 Lina                   Lina 2
 Chibiko                    Robo Chibiko
 Kiriko , Bin Chibiko, and Lina  are gained once you
 beat Story Mode with everyone.

 Beat the game in Arcade Mode on Normal with any character.

 Beat the game in Arcade Mode to receive art on that character.

Version 0.3 (

Version 0.2 (June 9, 1998)
     - Totally new outline for entire FAQ. Added a majority of the
     moves and character info. Added the Tatsujin Combo for
     Raiya/B.Raiya, and more combos for Reika and H.Star.

Version 0.1 (May 11, 1998)
     - Added the damage info and a few combos for Raiya, Reika,
       Chibiko, and Kiriko.

Version 0.0 (May 6, 1998)
     - FAQ initial launch. Incomplete and combos not guaranteed to
       work on all characters yet.

I welcome any extra info that you might have on the game such as combos, 
info, questions, cheats, etc. You will receive credit for your anything 
posted in this FAQ.

 - Proper names for the Special Moves (The ones in the instruction
 - Story Mode translations
 - Winning Quotes
 - Pose translations for some characters
 - More combos

 - Tecmo
   They came out with a great all female fighting game! Keep it up!
 - StraPped CreW
   Most of my crew actually liked this game!
 - Kao Megura 
   For the helpful outline of the FAQ
 - Susan Orbatos 
   Adding my FAQ to her site . Thanx! ^_^

                              [This is the end of the Angel Eyes FAQ]