1      = Quick Punch
2      = Medium Punch
3      = Fierce Punch
4      = Quick Kick
5      = Medium Kick
6      = Fierce Kick
U      = Up
D      = Down
F      = Forward
B      = Back
H      = Hold
C      = Charge (Hold for 2 Seconds)
D/F    = Diagonally Down Forward
D/B    = Diagonally Down Back
U/F    = Diagonally Up Forward
U/B    = Diagonally Up Back
QCF    = Quarter Circle Forward
HCF    = Half Circle Forward
QCB    = Quarter Circle Back
HCB    = Half Circle Back
DP     = Dragon Punch Motion (F, D, D/F)
RDP    = Reverse Dragon Punch Motion (B, D, D/B)
P      = Punch (1, 2, or 3)
K      = Kick (4, 5, or 6)
PP     = Press 2 Punch Buttons Together
KK     = Press 2 Kick Buttons Together
3P     = Press All 3 Punch Buttons Together
3K     = Press All 3 Kick Buttons Together
BCC    = Big Characters COMBOS (Combos that can be done on Big
Corner = Significate you must do this COMBO in the corner
Quick  = Significate you must do this COMBO very quickly
Close  = Significate you must be very close to the opponent
(Air)  = Significate that this can be done in the air

Best Way TRS = Best Way to Regain Super Energy

Apocalypse has captured several X-Men and Street Fighters.  Ryu and
form an alliance to rescue them.  While Bison seeks to exploit mutant
for his own goals of world domination. 

After you've entered one coin in the machine, you'll access to the
Select Screen.  You have to choose 2 characters.  Hmm, there are best
I'm still working on the best teams possible, but for the moment choose
two favorite characters, then you'll access (not on all machines) to the
MANUAL or AUTOMATIC mode.  If you want to do BIG COMBOS, choose MANUAL,
because in AUTOMATIC mode you'll have just 1 bar of SUPER.

Also you can choose your speed.  NORMAL mode is the best if you first
the game.  TURBO mode is more exciting if you are a master. 

Advancing Counter                      :  Press 3P when blocking
Variable Attack (Change Character)     :  3 + 6
Variable Combo (Level 2 Super)         :  QCF + 3+6
Variable Counter (Level 1 Counter)     :  B, D/B, D + 3+6 when blocking
Hyper Jump                             :  D, U  or  Press 3K
Dash (Some characters can dash in air) :  B, B or F, F  or  Direction +
Knock-Down Roll Away                   :  QCF + P when Knocked Down 
Taunt (Rouge and Chun Li can damage)   :  Start
Throwing (Can Throw in the Air Also)   :  Direction + 3 or 6 when close 

While pulling back to block an opponents attack, Press 3P just as the
connects with your blocking character.  Your character will block the
and a greenish glow sparks from the block as your character pushes your
opponent back from you.  This is an excellent move to put some distance
between you and fireballers who like to get in close to throw you.  

To understand the dynamics of this concept is VERY important!  I can not
stress how crucial it is to learn.  You Press 3 + 6 to swap characters.
The moment you press 3 + 6, your character will go into his/her "Exit"
their "Exit" pose quickly (lasts about a second), they will quickly fly
the screen and their partner will quickly fly in with a jumpkick.  Now
once your new character lands on the screen, they will do his/her
pose (also lasts about a second).  YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE IN THIS POSE!

Timing is VERY important with this technique.  You can use it to "leap"
off the screen as your character is about to recieve damage and if your
positioning is right your partner will fly in and kick your opponent who
may or may not still be in their attack animation.  Your opponent's
of blocking this sneaky attack is fairly average and depends alot on
overall positioning.  If your opponent blocks...well your probably gonna
get hit.

Also, be VERY careful on your character's energy levels.  Keep an eye on
them because if they are very low and you are in the process of
characters, there is a point where BOTH of your characters are on the
at once (this point being JUST as your character finishes his/her "Exit"
pose and JUST as your partner is flying onto the screen)  A skilled
can unleash a super attack and kill both your characters at once!!!
You have been warned!

This move can be near fatal if timed correctly and the
is right.  The motion is QCF + 3+6.  When this is done, both of your
characters will be out on the screen and together they will unleash a
Attack on your opponent!  The character who is called in to help out
will stay
on the screen to continue battle after the attack.  The other will leap
off to

This move is a quick defensive counterattack.  When done, your partner
leap out and defend you and then leap off the screen after deflecting
attack.  The motion is B, D/B, D + 3+6 when blocking.

While your partner is off screen resting, after about 5 seconds your
partner's lifebar will get small bits back every second.  You'll see
flashes as the bar refills.  

As you substain damage your lifebar will shrink down.  The red bar is
total life bar (which shrinks as you take heavy damage).  The green bar
is your present life status.

Okay, there are 3 different style of COMBOS:

These are the combos you do on the GROUND, without supers, and without

These are the combos you do in the air (after an AIR-COMBOS-JUGGLER
This is the longest combos, to do some air combos, you just have to do
the ACB,
then hold Up, you'll fly front of the opponent, so you'll just have to
some buttons you can even do some special moves or some AIR-SUPER
(depends for each characters).

These are the combos you do with a special move, can be added inside or
outside a GROUND or an AIR COMBO.

These are combos that can only be done on the "Larger Sized" characters
the game.  Being the larger size allows for a few extra hits.

Here is the list of the BIG CHARACTERS :


NOTE: Other characters like WOLVERINE, CYCLOPS or M. BISON, may be
      as BIG CHARACTERS, but some of the [BCC] doesn't work on them. 

After a number of teams. you'll face off with the second last boss of
the game,
APOCALYPSE!  YES!  Apocalypse will appear and give a few lines of speech
flying off into the background and combining with some bigger parts. All
fight is Apocalypse's head and hands and it takes up nearly the whole
After the dramatic battle with Apocalypse, it's time to fight it off
with your
worst fear, the last boss of the game... your partner!  After
vanquishing what
was your partner before, you'll see the ending of your character.  The
you use in the final battle depends of which player you're taking.  For
1Ps, the
first character chosen will be your main character, while for 2Ps, the
character will take the limelight in the end.

                        X - M E N   C H A R A C T E R S

Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Brings his hand to the side of his face, says "Yeah!"
Exit Pose: Gives a thumbs up as he looks away from his opponent
Variable Combo Assist Move: Mega Optic Blast
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Blue Outfit
Secondary Color: Red Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Throws away his coat as his visor flashes.
Victory Poses: ???

Optic Blast        :  QCF + P (1=Crouch 2=Stand 3=Up/Forward (Horizontal
Optic Reflect      :  QCB + P
Gene Splicer       :  DP + P (Push P Repeatedly for more hits (Air)
Cyclop Kick        :  QCB + K (Air)
Neck Breaker Throw :  F, F + 3+6 (Near)
Rapid Punch        :  F, F + 1+4, then P Repeatedly
Hyper X  1  Mega Optic Blast   :  QCB + PP (Controllable (Air)
Hyper X  2  Hyper Optic Blast  :  QCF + PP 

               -------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====---------
Double Jump    :  After a Normal Jump, Press U, U/F, or U/B

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======--------- 
After a Throw  :  D+6,6,3 (Corner)
Air Juggles    :  D+6,D+3 (Air)
Best Way TRS   :  Down+1 (Quick)
ACB            :  2 or D+5 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------
4 hits    :  1,4,5,QCF+1 or 2
4-5 hits  :  Push 1 Repeatedly ...........................(Close,Corner)
4-5 hits  :  Push 4 Repeatedly ...........................(Close,Corner)
5 hits    :  1,4,5,QCB+6 .................................(BCC)  
6 hits    :  1,1,1,5,QCB+6 ...............................(Corner)
6 hits    :  1,4,4,5,QCB+6 ...............................(Corner)
6 hits    :  Jump F+2,1,1,4,5,6 ..........................(Corner,BCC)
8 hits    :  1,5,DP+3,Push 3 Repeatedly ..................(BCC,Corner)
9 hits    :  1,4,5,DP+3,Push 3 Repeatedly ................(BCC,Corner)
10 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,4,5,DP+3,Push 3 Repeatedly .......(BCC,Corner)

               ----------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======--------
5 hits    :  2,Hold U,1,4,5,6
6 hits    :  2,Hold U,1,4,2,5,6
7 hits    :  2,Hold U,1,4,2,5,3,6
7 hits    :  2,Hold U,1,4,2,3,5,6
11 hits   :  1,1,4,2,Hold U,1,4,2,3,5,6,Wait,D+6
12 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,1,1,4,2,Hold U,1,4,2,3,5,6,Wait,D+6
13 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,1,1,1,2,Hold U,1,4,2,3,5,6,Wait,D+3,2
16 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,1,1,1,2,Hold U,1,4,3,2,5,6,Wait,D+3,D+6,6,6

               ---------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======-------
[Super QCF + PP]: (22 hits, Close)
                  (30 hits if you Press the button Repeatedly)
                  (38 hits if you do it at the end of the opponent
energy bar)

24-36 hits: QCF + PP, Press 3 Repeatedly,Wait,2,Hold U,1,4,2,5,6

[Super QCB + PP]: (18 hits, Close)
                  (30 hits if you Press the button Repeatedly) 

Nothing to do with this Super afterwards...

Taunt: Motions his opponent forward, says "Come on"
Enter Pose: Leaps onto the screen and holds a glowing card in his hand,
            says "Hello Monami"
Exit Pose: Turns his back with his staff on his shoulder and holding a
           glowing card, says "So Long, Cher"
Variable Combo Assist Move: Royal Flush
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Brown Coat 
Secondary Color: Teal Coat 
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Cards hit the ground and explode as Gambit leaps
                      the screen, waves opponent to him, says "Come on"
Victory Poses: 1)Rests his staff on his shoulder, says "Never mess with
                 a Cajun!"

Kinetic Card :  QCF + P (Diagonal Air)
Trick Card   :  QCB + P
Cajun Slash  :  DP + P
Cajun Strike :  CD, U + P, then K 
Cajun Escape :  CD, U + K
Hyper X  1  Royal Flush  :  QCF + PP

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
After Cajun Strike :  You can Jump again on the wall by Pressing Left or

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  :  D+6,DP+3 (Corner)
Air Juggles    :  D+6,DP+3 (Air)
Best Way TRS   :  Push 5 Repeatedly
ACB            :  D+3

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
4 hits    :  Hold D,1,4,5,6
5 hits    :  1,4,2,5,3 
7 hits    :  1,4,2,5,DP+3

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
6 hits   :  1,4,D+3,Hold U,4,5,6
7 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,4,D+3,Hold U,4,5,6
9 hits   :  Jump F+1,1,4,5,D+3,Hold U,1,4,5,6 ..............(BCC)
10 hits  :  1,4,5,D+3,Hold U,1,4,2,5,3,6 ...................(BCC,Corner)
11 hits  :  Jump F+1,1,4,5,D+3,Hold U,1,4,2,5,3,6
               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]: (37 hits)
Nothing to do with this Super afterwards 

Taunt: Crosses his arms together and say, "I'm Juggernaut!"
Enter Pose: Holds his hands into the air and roars
Exit Pose: Crosses his arms together
Variable Combo Assist Move: Juggernaut Head Crush
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Red Armour
Secondary Color: Black Armour
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Poses: 1)Bends a metal beam in half and throws it away.
                       2)Holds his hands into the air and roars
Victory Poses: 1)Walks over and picks up the fallen fighter and laughs,
                 says "I'm unstoppable!"
               2)Walks over to the fallen fighter and stomps on them.

Citorak Power Up      :  DP + PP
Earthquake Punch      :  QCB + P
Juggernaut Punch      :  QCF + P
Juggernaut Body Press :  HCF + K (In the Air)
Nail Slam             :  HCB + K (Near)
Object Toss           :  D, D + 3P (Over an object)
Hyper X  1  Juggernaut Head Crush  :  QCF + PP

               ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]: (?? hits)

Taunt: Blows a kiss with a heart appearing (does 1% damage if it hits)
Enter Pose: Leaps onto the screen and holds her hand up in the air, says
            "Here We Go!"
Exit Pose: Waves goodbye quickly
Variable Combo Assist Move: Goodnight Sugar
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Brown Coat
Secondary Color: Grey Coat
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Poses: 1)Leaps onto the screen and screams "Ready!"
                       2)Leaps onto the screen and dust her leg off
Victory Poses: 1)Turns around with hand on her hip to give us a butt
               2)Changes her clothes "SEE TRICKS SECTION" Nice Attire

Repeating Punch          :  QCF + P
Rushing Repeating Punch  :  DP + P
Power Drain Kiss         :  QCB + K (Air)
Use Drained Power        :  QCF + K
Southern Air Attack      :  DP + K
Hyper X  1  Goodnight Sugar         :  QCF + PP 
Hyper X  2  (After Draining Akuma)  :  1, 1, F, 4, 3      
               ------==== [POWERS ROGUE CAN STEAL] ====------
RYU          :  Hadoken                CYCLOPS       :  Optic Blast
KEN          :  Shoryuken              WOLVERINE     :  Berserker
CHARLIE      :  Sonic Boom             MAGNETO       :  Hyper
CHUN LI      :  Kikoken                GAMBIT        :  Kinetic Card
DHALSIM      :  Yoga Flame             STORM         :  Whirlwind Toss
CAMMY        :  Spinning Arrow         SABRE TOOTH   :  Berserker Claw
ZANGIEF      :  Spinning Piledriver    JUGGERNAUT    :  Earthquake Punch
M. BISON     :  Psycho Shot            ROGUE         :  Lots of Love :)
AKUMA        :  Shakunetsu Gouhadoken
                Blissful Death Strike (Hyper X)

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Air Dash     :  In the Air : F, F 

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for her for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for her for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]: (?? hits)

Taunt: Twirls around and holds her hand up as it sparks with lightening
Enter Pose: Flies in with her hand up in the air with lightening aflare
Exit Pose: Twirls around and flies off
Variable Combo Assist Move: Lightening Storm
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Silver Outfit
Secondary Color: Gold Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Twirls around and holds her hand up as it sparks
Victory Poses: Twirls around in the air and holds her hand high as it
               with lightening

Whirlwind Toss    :  QCF + P (Air)
Lighting Static   :  Direction + 2+4 (Air)
Double Typhoon    :  QCB + P (Air)
Fly               :  QCB + KK (Repeating will make her land, can do in
the Air)
Hyper X  1  Lightening Storm  :  QCF + PP (Air)
Hyper X  2  Ice Storm         :  QCB + PP

               ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------
Nothing for her for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for her for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for her for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)

[Super QCB + PP]:  (?? hits)

Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Clashes his claws together once
Exit Pose: Turns his back to you and pulls off his mask, says "So Long
Variable Combo Assist Move: Berserker Barrage
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Blue Highlights
Secondary Color: Red Highlights
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Leaps onto the screen, throws his head back as his
                      claws pop out, says "Lets Go Bub!"
Victory Poses: 1)Stands up straight and clashes his claws.
               2)Turns his back to you and pulls off his mask, says

Berserker Barrage :  QCF + P (Push P Repeatedly for more hits)
Tornado Claw      :  DP + P (Push P Repeatedly for more hits) 
Drill Claw        :  Direction + 2+4 (Air)
Hyper X  1  Berseker Rage  :  QCF + PP
Hyper X  2  Weapon X       :  DP + PP

               ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : DF+3,QCF+3 
Air Juggles    : DF+3,3,B+3,QCF+3
Best Way TRS   : Push 2 Repeatedly
ACB            : 6 (Close)

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
6 hits    :  Jump F+1,1,4,5,5,6
12 hits   :  4,5,5,QCF+3 Push 3 Repeatedly,Wait,3
12 hits   :  4,5,5,DF+3,HCF+3,Push 3 Repeatedly
13 hits   :  1,1,5,5,DF+3,HCF+3,Push 3 Repeatedly

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
6 hits   :  1,4,6,Hold U,4,2,3
8 hits   :  1,4,6,Hold U,5,5,5,5,3
10 hits  :  Jump F+1,1,4,6,Hold U,5,5,5,5,6,Wait,3 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]: (?? hits)

17 hits: Jump+5,1,5,5,DF+3,QCF+PP Push the buttons Repeatedly

[Super DP + PP]: (?? hits)

Taunt: Snaps his fingers and grins at his opponent
Enter Pose: Snaps his fingers as he grins
Exit Pose: Snaps his fingers as he grins
Variable Combo Assist Move: Berserker Claw X
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Brown/Yellow Tones
Secondary Color: Grey/Pink Tones
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Poses: 1)Sabre Tooth hands Birdie his coat and she walks
                        says "Take this"
                       2)Leaps on screen, tosses his head back and roars
Victory Poses: 1)Birdie brings his coat out to him, says "Thanks
               2)Birdie pulls up in a car to pick up Sabre Tooth, says
                 "Lets Get Out Of Here"

Berserker Claw    :  QCF + P
Wildfang          :  QCB + P
Armed Birdie      :  QCB + K
Hyper X  1  Berserker Claw X    :  QCF + PP
Hyper X  2  Super Armed Birdie  :  QCB + KK
Hyper X  3  Weapon X Dash       :  DP + PP

               ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)
[Super QCB + KK]:  (?? hits)

[Super DP + PP]:  (?? hits)

Taunt: Crosses his arms together and laughs
Enter Pose: Leaps onto the screen angery with glowing red eyes, says
Exit Pose: Holds his fist in the air with a raging fury
Variable Combo Assist Move: Magnetic Shockwave
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Red Outfit
Secondary Color: Purple Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Flashes his Forcefield and says "Playtime has
Victory Poses: 1)Crosses his arms together and laughs
               2)Takes his helment off, and holds a glowing hand up

E-M Disruptor     :  QCF + P (Air)
Hyper Gravitation :  QCB + K (Air)
Magnetic Blast    :  U, U/F, F + P (In The Air (Diagonal Air)
Forcefield        :  HCF + K (Counter)
Float             :  QCB + 3K (Repeating will make him land, can do in
the Air)
Hyper X  1  Magnetic Shockwave  :  QCF + PP
Hyper X  2  Magnetic Tempest    :  QCF + KK (Air)

               ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)
[Super QCF + KK]:  (?? hits) 

               S T R E E T   F I G H T E R S   C H A R A C T E R S

Taunt: Adjusts his arm guards and headband
Enter Pose: Leaps on and adjusts his headband
Exit Pose: Crosses his arms and looks away from his opponent
Variable Combo Assist Move: Bloody Hell Wave
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: White Outfit
Secondary Color: Black Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Leaps on screen and adjusts his arm guards
Victory Poses: 1)Throws his hand into the air with a smirk on his face 

Hadoken            :  QCF + P (Horizontal Air)
Shoryuken          :  DP + P
Tatsumakisenpuukya :  QCB + K (Air)
Fake Hadoken       :  QCF + Start
Overhead Punch     :  F + 2
Overhead Kick      :  F + 5
Super Combo  1  Hurricane Crusher  :  QCB + KK
Super Combo  2  Bloody Hell Wave   :  QCF + PP (Air)

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  : D+6 
Air Juggles    : D+6 
Best Way TRS   : HD and Tap 5 Repeatedly  
ACB            : D+3 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
1-9hits  :  HF, and Tap 1 Repeatedly
4 hits   :  F+5,HD,4,5,6   
4 hits   :  1,4,5
5 hits   :  After a 1 or 4,F+5,1,HD,4,5,6 
6 hits   :  F+2,1,4,5,QCF+3

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
5hits    :  HD,1,4,5,QCB+6
5 hits   :  HD,5,3,Hold U,2,3   
7 hits   :  HD,4,5,3,Hold U,1,4,5,6
7 hits   :  HD,1,5,3,Hold U,1,4,2
8 hits   :  Jump F+1,HD,1,4,5,QCB+6,3 ....(Corner,Close,Only Against
12 hits  :  Jump F+1,HD,1,4,5,QCB+6,D+3,Hold U,1,4,2
            ...(Corner,Close,Quick,Only Against SABRETOOTH) 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (20 hits (Far)
                   (18 hits (Close)

22 hits:  HD,4,5,QCF+PP


[Super QCB + KK]:  (18 hits (Close)

19 hits:  Jump+4,QCB+KK  

Taunt: Throws his hair back and gives a thumbs up, says "Yatade = ???"
Enter Pose: Runs his hands through his hair and gives a thumbs up
Exit Pose: Gives a thumbs up
Variable Combo Assist Move: Ryu's Blood Hell Wave
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Red Outfit
Secondary Color: Purple Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Throws a few punches and motions the opponent to
                      forward with his finger.
Victory Poses: 1)Throws his hand up in the air with a smirk on his face.

Roll               :  QCB + P
Hadoken            :  QCF + P (Diagonal Air)
Shoryuken          :  DP + P (Air)
Tatsumakisenpuukya :  QCB + K (Air)
Fake Roll          :  QCF + Start
Overhead Kick      :  QCF + 4, 5, or 6
Overhead Kick 2    :  F + 5 
Super Combo  1  Hellish Fury Dragon      :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  2  Murderous Frozen Dragon  :  QCF + KK

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : D+6,DP+3 
Best Way TRS   : HD and Tap 2 Repeatedly 
ACB            : D+3 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
4 hits  :  HD,1,4,5,6
5 hits  :  1,4,5,D+6
5 hits  :  1,4,5,QCF+3
8 hits  :  HD,4,5,QCB+6,D+6
9 hits  :  1,4,5,QCB+6,D+6  
11 hits :  HD,1,4,5,QCB+6,DP+3
12 hits :  D+1,D+2,5,QCB+6,DP+3

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
8 hits  :  HD,1,4,3,Hold U,1,4,2,5,DP+3
8 hits  :  HD,1,5,3,Hold U,1,4,2,5,DP+3 .......(Corner,Only against
8 hits  :  Jump F+1,HD,1,3,Hold U,1,4,2,5,DP+3 .................(Corner)

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (11 hits (Close)

14 hits:  D+1,D+2,5,QCF + PP


[Super QCB + KK]:  (17 hits (Close)

18 hits  :  QCB + KK,Wait,D+6  

Taunt: Flexes his muscles with a grin on his face
Enter Pose: Holds his hands into the air in a Number One motion
Exit Pose: ???
Variable Combo Assist Move: Siberian Bear Crusher
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Red Highlights
Secondary Color: Grey Highlights
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: ???
Victory Poses: 1)Chest flexes and makes a side arm flex

Spinning Lariat       :  3P (Air)
Short Spinning Lariat :  3K (Air)
Spinning Piledriver   :  360 + P (Air)
Siberian Suplex       :  360 + K (Close)
Banishing Punch       :  DP + P (Cancels Fireballs)
Flying Power          :  HCF + K (Far)
Ariel Throw           :  HCB + K
Earthquake            :  F + 2 (Air = D + 2)
Grab Dash             :  F, F then 2, 5, 3 or 6 
Super Combo  1  Siberian Bear Crusher  :  360 + PP
Super Combo  2  Leaping Death Snatch   :  360 + KK

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Grab Dash:  After a Dash (F,F) Push 2, 3, 5, or 6

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : D+6 or D+5 
Air Juggles    : D+6,D+5, 3P or 3K 
Best Way TRS   : Push 5 Repeatedly 
ACB            : D+2 or B+2 or F+2 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
3 hits  :  Jump F+1,1,3P
3 hits  :  6,3P
4 hits  :  HD,1,1,1,1

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
4 hits  :  D+2,Hold U,4,5,6
5 hits  :  D+2,Hold U,4,5,6,6
5 hits  :  D+2,Hold U,4,5,3P,Wait,D+6                  

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[360 + PP]:  (2 hits (Close)                

Nothing to do with this Super afterwards.

Taunt: Makes an L-Shaped gesture with her arms and says "Rock On!"
Enter Pose: Leaps on the screen with the L-Shaped gesture with her arms
            says "My Turn!"
Exit Pose: Turns her back to you, so you can check out her rear.
Variable Combo Assist Move: Spinning Hell Mirage
Variable Counter Assist Move: Cannon Spark
Main Color: Teal Outfit
Secondary Color: Green Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Throws off her cloak and gets ready.
Victory Poses: 1)Makes an L-Shaped gesture with her arms, say
               2)Salutes M.Bison, says "Mission Completed Sir!"

Spinning Arrow   :  QCF + K (Air)
Assault Knuckle  :  QCF + P
Cannon Spark     :  DP + K
Furiga Combine   :  QCB + K, then P
Cannon Counter   :  QCB + P (Counter)
Air Thrust Kick  :  QCB + K (In The Air)
Super Combo  1  Spinning Hell Mirage  :  QCF + KK
Super Combo  2  Power Ranger Assault  :  QCB + KK (Air)

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES  =====--------
Double Jump: After a Jump, Press Up, U/F, or U/B again 

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  : D+6 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : HD and Tap 2 Repeatedly 
ACB            : 6 (Close) 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
3 hits  :  5,6,DP+6
4 hits  :  4,5,6,QCF+6
4 hits  :  HD,1,4,5,6
5 hits  :  Jump F+2,1,2,6,QCF+6

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
5 hits  :  5,6,Hold U,1,5,6
5 hits  :  5,6,Hold U,1,4,QCF+4
6 hits  :  5,6,Hold U,1,4,5,6
7 hits  :  5,6,Hold U,1,4,2,5,6
8 hits  :  4,5,6,Hold U,1,4,5,3,6 .................(Only Against

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + KK]:  (11 hits (Close)

14 hits:  Jump F+2,1,2,6,QCF+KK,Wait,D+6


[Super QCB + KK]:  (6 hits)

7 hits:  QCB+KK,Wait,D+6

Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Leaps in and adjust the sides of his jacket with a grin.
Exit Pose: Turns his back to the screen and throws his hand out
Variable Combo Assist Move: Fatal Kick Mirage 
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Yellow Jacket
Secondary Color: Grey Jacket
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: Takes off his glasses and puts them away in his
Victory Poses: ???

Sonic Boom         :  CB, F + P
Sommersault Shell  :  CD, U + K
Sommersault Slash  :  U, U/F, F + K (In The Air)
Super Combo  1  Sound Wave Barrage      :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  2  Murderous Kick Assault  :  QCF + KK
Super Combo  3  Fatal Kick Mirage       :  QCB + KK

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : Any moves...Sommersault Shell is the best (CD, U+6) 
Air Juggles    : D+6 
Best Way TRS   : HD and Tap 2 Repeatedly 
ACB            : D+3 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
4 hits  :  F+1,1,1,1  
4 hits  :  HD,1,4,5,6   
4 hits  :  1,CD+5,U+6
4 hits  :  Throw (F+3),D,U+6
5 hits  :  HD,4,5,U+6
6 hits  :  HD,1,4,5,U+6

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
5 hits  :  1,D+3,Hold U,1,2,3
6 hits  :  HD,1,2,3,Hold U,4,5,6
8 hits  :  HD,1,2,3,Hold U,4,5,5,6,5

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (9 hits)
                   (15 hits if you Press 3 Repeatedly)

19 hits:  1,2,3,QCF+KK,Press 3 Repeatedly    


[Super QCF + KK]:  (10 hits)

14 hits:  4,5,6,QCB+KK,Wait,D+6   


[Super QCB + KK]:  (12 hits)

15 hits:  4,5,6,QCB+KK

M.BISON (VEGA in Japan)
Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Crosses his arms together and grins
Exit Pose: ???
Variable Combo Assist Move: Demonic Hell Fury Kick
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Red Outfit
Secondary Color: Grey Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: ???
Victory Poses: ???

Psycho Shot       :  HCF + P
Demon Kneepress   :  HCF + K (Air) 
Headpress         :  QCB + K, K
Psycho Field      :  HCB + P
Float             :  QCB + 3K (Repeating will make him land, can do in
the Air)
Vega Warp         :  DP or RDP + P or K
Super Combo  1  Raging Psycho Crusher   :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  2  Demonic Hell Fury Kick  :  QCF + KK

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)

[Super QCF + KK]:  (?? hits)

Taunt: Holds her hand out and smiles as she says "Gomene = So Sorry!"
Enter Pose: Leaps out and makes a peace finger sign, says "YaTa = Wow!" 
Exit Pose: Holds her hand out and smiles, says "Gomene"
Variable Combo Assist Move: PMS Atomic Wave Death
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Blue Outfit
Secondary Color: Red Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: ???
Victory Poses: ???

Hundred Kick  :  Repeat K (Air)
Tenshokya     :  CD, U + K
Kikoken       :  HCF + P
Senbankya     :  HCB + K
Super Combo  1  PMS Atomic Wave Death         :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  2  Dancing Nail Stab             :  QCF + KK
Super Combo  3  Illusional Kick Wave of Pain  :  QCB + KK

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Triple Jump  :  After a Jump, Up again, Up again
Air Dash     :  In the Air : F, F 
Wall Jump    :  Jump at the wall and Press the opposite direction

               -------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======----------
After a Throw  :  3,6,D+6,Repeat K,CD,U+K 
Air Juggles    :  Repeat K, D+6 
Best Way TRS   :  HD and Tap 2 Repeatedly 
ACB            :  D+6 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
4 hits  :  1,4,5,D+6
5 hits  :  Jump+2,1,4,5,D+6
6 hits  :  CD,1,4,U+6
7 hits  :  After a Throw,Walk Forward and Press 6 Repeatedly
9 hits  :  1,4,Repeat Kick-6
15 hits :  Jump Forward,Repeat Kick-6
17 hits :  Jump Forward,Repeat Kick-6
19 hits :  Jump Forward,Repeat Kick-6 .......(Only Against

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
6 hits  :  6,Hold U,1,4,5,6
7 hits  :  6,Hold U,1,4,2,5,6
8 hits  :  6,Hold U,5,Repeat Kick-5
9 hits  :  1,4,6,Hold U,1,4,2,5,6
10 hits :  6,Hold U,1,2,5,Repeat Kick-5
12 hits :  1,4,6,Hold U,1,4,2,5,Repeat Kick-5
16 hits :  6,Hold Up,1,4,5,Repeat Kick-6   
19 hits :  1,4,6,Hold U/F,1,4,5,Repeat Kick-6

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (10 hits)

18-20 hits:  QCF+PP,Wait,Repeat Kick-6
20-25 hits:  QCF+PP,Wait,D+6,QCF+KK,Push 6 Repeatedly


[Super QCF + KK]:  (15 hits)
                   (21 hits if you Press K Repeatedly)
25 hits:  1,4,2,D+5,QCF+KK,Press K Repeatedly   


[Super QCB + KK]:  (8 hits)
14 hits:  1,4,QCB+KK,Wait,Press 6 Repeatedly
16 hits:  1,4,2,D+5,QCB+KK,Wait,Press 6 Repeatedly
20 hits:  1,2,5,QCB+KK,Wait,D+6,QCF+KK,Push 6 Repeatedly
          ...(Corner,Only Against CYCLOPS and JUGGERNAUT)
22 hits:  1,4,2,5,QCB+KK,Wait,D+6,QCF+KK,Push 6 Repeatedly
          ...(Corner,Only Against SABRETOOTH,ZANGIEF,and MAGNETO)  

Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Says "Yoga" while in a praying stance
Exit Pose: Says "Yoga" while in a praying stance
Variable Combo Assist Move: Expelling the Evil From Within
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Brown Tones
Secondary Color: Blue Tones
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: ???
Victory Poses: ???

Yoga Fire      :  QCF + P (Horizontal Air)
Yoga Flame     :  HCB + P
Yoga Strike    :  HCB + K
Yoga Teleport  :  DP or RDP + 3P or 3K (Air)
Super Combo  1  Expelling The Evil From Within      :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  2  Harmonic Destruction Through Peace  :  QCF + KK
               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)

[Super QCF + KK]:  (?? hits)

AKUMA (GOUKI in Japan (Hidden Character SEE TRICKS SECTION)
Taunt: ???
Enter Pose: Leaps on the screen and gets in a raging horse stance.
Exit Pose: Turns his back to you and glares at his opponent
Variable Combo Assist Move: ???
Variable Counter Assist Move: ???
Main Color: Black Outfit
Secondary Color: Red Outfit
Auto-Block Color: ???
Starting Battle Pose: ???
Victory Poses: ???

Gouhadoken             :  QCF + P
ZankoHadoken           :  QCF + P (In The Air (Diagonal Air)
Shakunetsu Gouhadoken  :  HCF + P
Goushoryuken           :  DP + P
Zankokya               :  QCB + K (Air)
Overhead Punch         :  F + 2
Overhead Kick          :  F + 5
Ground Roll            :  QCB + P
Air Roll Attack        :  D, DF, F, UF + P, P or K
Dive Kick              :  QCF + K (In The Air)
Ashura Warp            :  DP or RDP + 3P or 3K
Akuma Power Counter    :  QCB + P (Counter)
Super Combo  1  Devil's Gift of Destruction  :  QCB + PP
Super Combo  2  Unmerciful Hell Fury         :  QCF + PP
Super Combo  3  Raining Hell From Above      :  QCF + PP  (In The Air)
Blissful Death Strike                        :  1, 1, F, 4, 3  (Level

               --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====--------
Nothing for him for the moment

               --------======= [COMBOS LIST] =======---------
After a Throw  : ?? 
Air Juggles    : ?? 
Best Way TRS   : ?? 
ACB            : ?? 

               -------======= [GROUND COMBOS] =======--------            
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [AIR COMBOS] =======----------
Nothing for him for the moment 

               --------======= [SUPER COMBOS] =======--------
[Super QCB + PP]:  (?? hits)

[Super QCF + PP]:  (?? hits)

[Super QCF + PP, In The Air]:  (?? hits)

                             T R I C K S 

1) Move your selector to the upper right or left corners of the
   character map.
2) Press U, U on the joystick.
3) Behold your friends shocked looks at the difficulty of this code.

1) At Character Select, move your selector over to CHUN LI.
2) Hold Start for 5 seconds.
3) Then press any button.

Hold the cursor left of right against the edge of the Character Select
Grid for 3 seconds.

Press and Hold 3P or 3K when knocking out opponent.  She'll have a
outfit on.  May be able to select winning poses from everyone.  This
trick is under testing.

At the end of the fight, press START to continue beat your fallen
opponent for
a few more seconds.

In the POLICE Backround Stage, after 3 Air Combos in the same place, 
ground will collapse and you'll drop into the hidden SEWER Stage.